Questions to Ask Employers

Questions to ask employers

We’d recommend you have at least 5 questions prepared prior to attending the interview – it’s likely the interviewers will answer some of them in the general course of the interview, so better to still have questions to ask rather than saying “I don’t have any” at the end of the interview! Your questions should achieve two objectives:

They should allow you to find out as much information as possible to ensure you see this role and company as the right step in your career.

You demonstrate positive traits to the interviewer, including an interest in them/the firm, commercial acumen, a long-term outlook etc. Questions on the following topics have been used to good effect for achieving both objectives (the list is not exhaustive):

Interest in Them - Given the likelihood working directly with your interviewers, show you are interested in them personally. Asking questions about their background in the industry, and why they enjoy working at the organisation will not only demonstrate this but will give you a very honest indication of the positives of working at the organisation. Asking about success stories of other people in the team further demonstrates your desire to fit into the team culture and integrate with your new colleagues.

Training Opportunities – The healthcare sector offers life-long learning – embrace this, and question what training they currently offer, and plan to offer in the future in-line with changes in the industry.  Show willing – here you invest your time for both the company and you, and they invest their funding to push you to excel, in turn benefitting company outcomes.

Technology - Show off your knowledge of cutting-edge health technology/equipment, ask your prospective employer where they stand on health technology/equipment and what plans there are for procurement in the next few years.

Joint Ventures - Does this organisation have close links with others in the field – are you going to be able to network relatively smoothly?  Are there joint projects between companies? What are the career progression opportunities?

Projected Growth - This sort of information should be in their latest annual report – swot up before you go and base some questions about the future of the organisation – this way you’ll get an understanding of your potential position in 1-5 years.

Customer Service - How does this organisation maintain safe, patient care? Here you’re demonstrating a keen interest in the outward reputation and becoming personally involved prior to being offered the role – this may strengthen their investment perception of you.


Competency Based Interviews


Tips on Preparing a Presentation