Our Services

We find candidates who solve the
problem, not just fill the role.


Statistics indicate the cost of a bad hire is at 30% of the annual salary for that position. Bad hires can damage customer relations through incompetence or create a negative atmosphere in the workplace. Hiring a ‘top performer’ over an ‘average performer’ yields up to 67% more productivity and profit.


Maximise productivity

Your time is valuable. Focus on your schedule, don’t spend time and money on writing or posting ineffective adverts (only 17% of candidates are attracted through advertising), reviewing applications or conducting initial interviews. Simply brief us on your vacancy needs and review a shortlist of qualified, suitable applicants presented in a timeframe that reflects your needs.


Preserve the morale of your team

A good hire brings new skills and experience to your team, inspiration and comradeship. A bad hire can hurt the morale, particularly if existing workloads must increase or company performance is negatively affected by individual behaviour. Our process enables you to benchmark the calibre of candidates, so you can guarantee you have secured the best available candidate.


Improve your employer brand

Bad hires typically result in disgruntled employees, the risk with this is saboteur behaviour during their tenure and post-employment. This can lead to reputation issues and prevent you hiring future employees. Overcoming a negative brand perception is easier for a third party to manage, whilst we are impartial, we know your competition and we know how to set you apart from them.

When we recruit for you we’re not just filling a job, we are acting as your ‘brand ambassador’, every candidate will have a great experience regardless of them securing the role.


Improve retention

Using us versus a direct sourcing model improves the quality of candidate and this improves retention. The two biggest costs associated with hiring someone is recruitment and then onboarding - training employees and integrating them successfully requires a high level investment and it takes time. Depending on the complexity of the role it can take anything between 3 to 12 months to reach full productively so it’s a crushing blow when you’ve made a bad hire.

We stand out from the crowd by consistently unearthing talented professionals who are not sitting on recruitment databases 

Our core services span five key disciplines