The STAR Method of Answering Questions

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 STAR stands for: Situation, Task, Action and Result.

Situation - Explain the situation that you were in. This should be a short description; it could be: ‘during my degree’ or ‘whilst working in a bar’.

Task - You need to briefly explain what it is that you had to do, and what the success criteria was. If you were working as a group explain what the overall task of the group was but be clear about your own role.

Action – This covers off your specific role:

  • What you did

  • Why you did it

  • How you did it

  • What skills you used

Result – Tell the interviewer what the outcome was. You might want to tell them about:

  • What happened as a result of the actions you took

  • What you would do differently if anything

  • The impact the result had overall on the team task 


How to Prepare for an Interview


Face to Face Interviews