Reducing Your Time to Hire

 ‘Time is money’. Recruitment takes time - it takes up your time! Below are 3 common problems hiring managers face that unnecessarily waste your time, elongate your recruitment process, and ultimately cost you money.

Reviewing & rejecting irrelevant CVs

After waiting for days, in some cases weeks to see CVs from your recruiter, you shouldn’t then be receiving CVs that don’t fit the brief. Trawling through CVs that don’t come close to being appropriate wastes everyone’s time not just yours. Too many recruiters throw large numbers of CVs at hiring managers in the hope that one or two may stick. As a recruiter it is our job to filter out candidates who aren’t initially suitable for the role not yours.

No talent pipeline

One of your nurses has just handed in their notice, they are vital to the smooth running of the unit, you need a quality replacement - fast. Wouldn’t it be great if you already knew someone that could be a good replacement! To have this contingency strategy you need to regularly meet talent - many of your rival brands are already doing this and as a result they have a competitive advantage over you. They have a back-up plan, and they are getting an insight in to your business!

Scheduling then re-scheduling interviews

You’ve booked time out of yours and your colleague’s diaries and you’ve created the interview questions (which all took time). However only 50% of the shortlisted candidates can attend due to lack of interview availability, meaning you will have to divide your time over 2 days or re-arrange the whole day adding more time to the process.

To reduce your time to hire and solve the problems detailed above, at Fertility Talent we work hard to create a robust process. We offer clients a timesaving and quality-focussed approach to recruitment. Utilising a 49-step process we identify candidates that fit the vacancy brief and conduct detailed interviews to ensure we only submit suitable CVs.

We dedicate 100% of our time to your market, we know the movers and shakers, we know your competitors and how to set you apart from them. We professionalise the process, working to an interview schedule that reflects your business needs, we communicate this interview schedule to candidates at the first point of contact so the process smoothly.

83% of our business is repeat, we typically deliver results with 72 hours and we pride ourselves on creating a positive experience for both clients and candidates. We would welcome the opportunity to talk through how we can save you time and consequently your company money.


Employee Engagement Ideas


How Much Does A Bad Hire Really Cost?