Streamlining Your Recruitment Process

Every healthcare provider has its own unique recruitment process – some have dedicated in-house recruiters, some use HR, and some leave it up to their hiring managers. Recruitment, if not managed efficiently, can be extremely time-consuming. The process must be detailed enough to ensure the perfect person is put into the role – but an unnecessarily lengthy or strenuous process is bound to leave promising candidates disenchanted. 

Streamlining your process can be difficult but here are some hints and tips to get you started:

Have a great website

Candidates spend between 1 and 2 months researching a company before they even apply for the role. Ensure that your website has an easy to access careers section and make sure that your website and application process is compatible for mobile devices – this is how most people apply!

Update your LinkedIn

Consistently update your LinkedIn page with exciting updates and new job opportunities. This will not only grow your followers but will also engage candidates. Engaged candidates are more likely to apply.

Set them up for success

Always clearly explain your application process, you can even provide some hints and tips alongside some sample interview questions – for inspiration see Google’s interview section.

Have a strong interview process

Make sure you go into the interview with a plan so that you can make the most of your time. Remember the interviews are just as important for candidates to learn about you, so why not give them a tour and introduce them to your leadership team and always leave time for questions.

Provide prompt feedback

Give candidates a sense of how well they have performed. Ensure you always provide constructive and prompt feedback – if you’re efficient then they will assume the company is too!

Many businesses are now becoming more sophisticated, embracing these processes, and adopting sourcing techniques traditionally used by database recruiters.

No matter how refined your process is, the one thing that employers or database recruiters can’t do well is headhunt and this is the only way to fill the 5-20% of vacancies that are problematic and difficult to fill. Headhunting allows you to employ people who are not necessarily in the job market but may be interested in the career your company offers. By headhunting you know that the talent you are sourcing is qualified for the position you are offering, and that your company isn’t in a competition with several other businesses to ‘win’ the candidate.

Headhunting requires a high-skill level which often cannot be achieved by a company or database recruiter. Fertility Talent has been built on the foundations of headhunting – our approach is about getting the best possible candidate in the market place opposed to relying on candidates who are sat on a database or who have applied to an advert.

These hints and tips can help you to begin to streamline your process so that you can begin to see the results that you are looking for.


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